Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Scientists in School Structures Workshop

We had a great time learning about materials and structures! Thank you to the parents who volunteered Monday morning and made our experience a success. Thank you also to the Parent Council for funding this learning opportunity.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Week of February 13

Curriculum Notes

In literacy, this week's word wall words are:

We will also start working with long vowels (words with a silent "e" or 2 vowels together).

In math, we will work on subtraction skills using a number line or counting back strategy.

In science, we look forward to our Scientists in School workshop tomorrow morning. Thank you again to our parent volunteers.

Other Notes

Students are welcomed to bring in Valentines to share on Tuesday. A class list of names was sent home last week. Please let me know if you did not receive it and would like one.

Image result for valentines kids

2nd Term Pizza and Subway Order Forms now available
on cash online

Spirit Week

The week of February 13-17 is Spirit Week.

Monday: Wacky Hair Day
Tuesday: Red and White Day
Wednesday: Chew Gum Day
Thursday: Dress as your Favourite Animal Day
Friday: Pyjama Day

100 Day Fun!

We had a lot of fun on day 100 of grade 1! We shared our great 100 collections. We played the math game"Race to 100", assembled 100 bead necklaces and demonstrated our skills and creativity at different stations, including 100 Lego pieces, 100 stacking cups, 100 Unifix cubes, 100 pattern blocks and100 bean bag throws. Here are a few photos of our day:

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week of February 6

Curriculum Notes

In literacy, our word wall words for this week are:


We are still working on our final procedural writing activity. We will also be writing our recount of the month of January. We are also reviewing the short vowel sounds.

In math, we are working on addition strategies.

In science, we are looking at different materials, such as plastic, wood, metal, fabric and glass and the properties of different materials. For example, students quickly identified some materials as strong and some as flexible.

In religion, we are learning about John the Baptist and will be discussing our baptisms.

Other Notes

A reminder that this Friday, February 10 is Day 100. Please have students prepare and bring in their water bottle project on Friday.

A list of student names will be sent home tomorrow for St. Valentine's Day cards, If you are planning to send in Valentines, please include one for each child in the class.

Image result for valentines for kids

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Volunteers Needed

We will be having a Scientists in Schools "Structures" workshop on Monday, February 13, in the morning (8:30 - 11:15 am). We need 4 volunteers to help run the activities. If you are able to come in, please let me know. There will be a sign up note your child's agenda bag on Thursday. Your help is very much appreciated. Thank you!

Image result for scientists in school